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Psychosocial Hazard - Predictive Safety Project

SaferMe was selected by the national workplace insurer of New Zealand (the ACC) to provide a Workplace Injury Prevention innovation programme.

ACC Logo

We are a leading safety technology company delivering solutions since 2015 from our offices in the USA, New Zealand and Australia.

This project will see us deliver a new world-leading safety product that helps businesses predict and prevent accidents and injuries by highlighting areas of high risk in real time. We’re doing this through multi-factoral analysis of individual worker risk using a set of risk factors that are proven to contribute to higher risk of accident and injury.

The specific aim for the project is to reduce the volume of injuries through the use of a predictive algorithm. 

About the Project

SaferMe is leading the research, design and development for the new solution - with the partnership and support of Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ) to focus deeply on the civil construction industry in the first iteration of the solution.


ACC is the key partner and financier of the project.

We’re also working closely with numerous other experts in the safety space - including Construction Health and Safety (CHASNZ).

A key tenet of the project is our commitment to sharing research, data and lessons from our work for the benefit of all. We’ll continue to share information here on our website and through industry forums and media through the course of the project.

Key Project Deliverables

Since kicking off the project we’ve already delivered a significant piece of research into the key factors that lead to accidents and in particular musculoskeletal injuries.

We undertook a thorough international literary review of peer-reviewed research that covered key factors which contribute to accidents and injuries in the workplace. We took a particular interest in psychosocial factors, which are considered less in traditional safety processes, but evidence shows can have a significant impact on the safety of workers.

You can read the literary review summary here.

The second significant piece of work we've published is an analysis of psychosocial hazards impacting the construction industry. This summary of findings is here.

How can you get involved?

We’re looking for more businesses in the construction sector to share accident / injury data (anonymised and/or aggregated data is fine); and companies willing to pilot the first iteration of the solution later this year.

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