Evacuation procedures toolbox talk

A simple, 5 minute outline of what to cover in a toolbox talk on Evacuation procedures.

Evacuation procedures should be in place for each workplace and everyone on site needs to know what to do and where to go in an emergency. No two emergencies are the same so understand the differences in your plans for different events. There will be people who have been assigned specific roles in an emergency, so make sure everyone knows what they are  and how these people will be identified.

Why run an Evacuation Procedures Toolbox Talk?

  • Understand why evacuation procedures are important
  • Know where to get information on evacuation procedures for your workplace
  • Know what to do in an emergency and understand your role

Key information that everyone on site should know

  • Evacuation routes to a safe place
  • Location of designated meeting points or assembly points
  • Position of fire alarm call points, firefighting equipment, first aid kits, spill kits and civil defence kits. 
  • How the alarm will be raised
  • Emergency contact numbers such as Emergency Services, Medical Centres, poison centre etc. 
  • Emergency procedures for different types of emergencies
  • Key roles such as Chief Warden, Wardens and First Aiders 
  • Importance of keeping aisles and exits clear
  • Why we need to do trial evacuations

Different types of emergencies

Here are some types of emergencies, but this is not an exhaustive list. There may be some emergencies that are specific to your workplace. 

  • Fire
  • Chemical spill
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami (for low lying regions near the sea)
  • Terrorism
  • Extreme weather event
  • Medical emergency

What to do in the event of an emergency

  • Stay calm 
  • If you hear an alarm or the emergency signal, stop what you’re doing, go to the place of safety and stay there until the All Clear is given
  • Call Emergency Services
  • Follow the instructions of wardens and those in charge
  • Do not use lifts in the case of a fire
  • Stay close to the ground if there is smoke
  • Only attempt to deal with an emergency such as fire or a chemical spill if you feel confident and have been trained
  • Do not endanger yourself

Key takeaways:

  • Know what the evacuation procedures are, for different types of emergencies
  • Know what the signal for an emergency evacuation is
  • Know where emergency equipment is on site
  • Know who the emergency wardens are


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