Safe Use of Power Tools toolbox talk

A simple, 5 minute outline of what to cover in a toolbox talk on Safe Use of Power Tools.

Power tools are used in many industries and regularly by DIY enthusiasts. If people are not trained on how to use the tool correctly or do not follow manufacturer's instructions, it may cause severe injury. All mechanical motion is potentially hazardous.

Why run a Safe Use of Power Tools Toolbox Talk?

  • Tool safety
  • Precautions to take
  • Hazards which workers may be exposed to 
  • Injuries that could occur 
  • Reporting accidents or near misses

Basic Power Tool Safety

  • Maintain tools regularly, refer to the handbook for guidelines and frequency
  • Inspect before use and ensure it is sharp
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Always use guarding
  • Cut away from yourself
  • Use the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Precautions To Take

  • Remove any damaged tools and tag them “Do Not Use”
  • Inspect guards and safety devices before using the tool, check if guards move freely
  • Keep guards in place and do not remove them
  • Always use the proper attachments i.e. grips and handles
  • Regular maintenance e.g. Keep your blades sharp as a blunt blade can be more hazardous
  • Disconnect any tools from the power source when not in use and if it is plugged into power it should be plugged via an RCD
  • Ensure that you have stable footing 
  • Keep your work area clear of debris to prevent slips and trips
  • Keep cords and leads away from sharp edges and heat
  • Do not use excessive force i.e. force drilling a hard material 
  • Don’t wear loose clothing and if you have long hair, keep it tied up as these may get entangled in the tool
  • Do not use power tools on asbestos containing materials unless correct controls and approvals are in place 


Hazards which Workers may be exposed to 

Using power tools, also come with additional health and safety risks such as:

  • Vibration and impact
  • Exposure to dusts, fumes, mists, vapours, or gases
  • Damaged or frayed electrical cords
  • Hazardous connections and improper grounding

It is important to have the correct controls in place, when using power tools. PPE should also be fitted correctly to reduce exposure risk.

Injuries That Could Occur

  • Electric shock 
  • Amputation of a body part
  • Hand and eye injuries
  • Hearing loss
  • Crushing or severe cuts
  • Flash burns
  • Ergonomic injuries


Key takeaways:

  • Maintain your tools
  • Notify any near misses or injuries to your supervisor
  • Take necessary precautions
  • Always use basic tool safety

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